
About CBC

A bit about us 

We are a welcoming and friendly church in the heart of Cranleigh. Our aim is to love God, love one another, and serve the community, reaching out with a message of good news.

In its history our church has been through world wars and pandemics, but we remain an expanding community of believers- worshipping, growing and serving together.

Our desire is to build a community of people who love God; proclaim Jesus and grow in discipleship. We seek to apply the timeless teaching of the Bible to our contemporary setting so that we can live the rich and full life that Jesus promises.

We want to share with everyone our hope in Jesus, who more than anyone in history shows his great love for us. So whoever you are, wherever you come from, whatever you do and however old you are, do get in touch or join us this Sunday. We would love the chance to get to know you.

Every Blessing, Dave Burt, Minister

What goes on at CBC?

Click below to discover a bit more:

What happens on Sundays?

Our Sunday services are at the heart of our church life where the community come together to praise God and hear him speak.

  • We are largely made up of committed Christians, but also attract many others who are undecided. Wherever you are on that journey and whatever you believe you will be warmly welcomed.
  • Our morning service begins at 10.30 and lasts around an hour and a quarter.
  • The style of our services is informal; there is no dress code, and no pressure to take active part. After our services there is the opportunity to meet and chat with others over refreshments.
  • During the service we have a creche and busy programme of groups for those under 14.
  • We also have a mix of online, and in person meetings later in the day. These include live communion praise, Zoom prayer meetings and all age events. The calendar section of our website has more details.

What happens midweek?

Church is so much more than just an hour or so on a Sunday morning. So in the life of our church we have a wide range of groups and activities which we encourage everyone to get involved with.

The calendar section of the website gives full details of these activities, but they include;

  • Sunshine Toddlers
  • Senior Link
  • Food Bank & Drop in café
  • Winter Warmer lunch
  • Small Bible study Groups
  • Prayer meetings
  • Youth and Children’s Activities
  • Men’s and ladies' events

The Bible paints a beautiful picture of church community as a deep and rich thing which is very hard to build during a rushed conversation after a service. Whatever your age, and whatever your busy life pattern might look like, we hope these groups will provide a range of opportunities for caring and growing, as well as really enjoying each other’s company!

We look forward to welcoming you at any of the events we have coming up.

What happens for children and youth?

Working with children, youth and families is an important part of CBC. We have a range of groups, which meet regularly both on Sundays and midweek, for children and young people to help enjoy learning about Jesus and to take part in a wide variety of activities with their friends.

  • Sunshine Groups: children aged 0-3
  • Fireflies: children aged 3-YR
  • Sparklers - Y1-3
  • Spotlight: Y4-6
  • Ignite:Y7-10
  • Blaze: Y11+

Click here to find out more about the groups